
Friday, May 10, 2013

Getting crazy!

Well, things have been moving along and it is getting crazy around here!  The enemy is already at work doing what he does best in trying to bring stress and anxiety into our lives.  But we have peace that the Lord is on our side...and this is just another indication that we are on the right path. 

After I booked our flight to England, someone got our card number and tried to buy tickets from the same airline for over $1000...Thankfully, the fraud protection department called us to verify it and I told them, "NO!  I didn't buy that ticket!"  So....they flagged our card as fraud and cancelled it.  This makes life much more difficult at this time since we only have a debit card to work with...no credit card.  The bank is being helpful, but it will take up to 2 weeks to get a new card. Since we pay most of our bills online with the debit card, this will be a major job to change everything. We are working on getting a credit card, but with the financial situation we have been in the last few years, it won't be easy.   But....God is in control...

We are moving out of the house at the end of this month and staying with a dear friend who has so graciously offered to let us stay there until we leave at the end of June. What a blessing she is!  We are now in the process of trying to sort through all our stuff and sell almost all of it.  We will sell most of the furniture on Craigslist (hopefully) and then have a big yard sale for the rest of it.

Things are going very well in Exeter.  Bob and Jeanne have settled in and the church is growing already!  They started an evening for the university students at their home called 'Solomon's Porch'.  They feed them dinner and then they sit around the table and answer all their questions about God and the Bible.  The first week, they stayed and asked questions for hours.  They are hungry for the truth!

Bob told us that many of the churches have no one to lead the worship.  So we can see the need for training up worship leaders and are praying about the best way to go about that.  We are excited about all the opportunities that we are seeing opening up.    Bob recently posted this on Facebook:

Desperate need for seasoned labourers here in the UK. May the Lord raise up an army of British, Scottish, Irish and Welsh spiritual leaders to bring this country into a new time of spiritual awakening!
Pray about coming to the UK to be a part of it!

So....we are answering the call.


Purchased airline tickets! Leaving June 23
Travel funds coming in!
Place to stay after moving out of our house!
Steve has had lots of work this past month!


1.  Selling things and moving out of our house by the end of the month-we will need lots of energy!
2.  Good home for Bailey our cat...this is hard  :-(

3.  Place to store some of our furniture that we want to keep
4.  Steve to have the stamina to finish all his jobs
5.  Ongoing monthly financial support to be raised
6.  Getting new debit card and a credit card

Thank you to all who have been praying and encouraging us in this new adventure...it is exciting and scary all at the same time!

Many thanks to all who have graciously blessed us with your financial gifts and promise of support.  We truly could not do this without you.  We are a team in this.
Rom 10:14-15
But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?
And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?

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