
Friday, October 18, 2013

'Ordinary' Times

"The true test of a person’s spiritual life and character is not what he does in the extraordinary moments of life, but what he does during the ordinary times when there is nothing tremendous or exciting happening. A person’s worth is revealed in his attitude toward the ordinary things of life when he is not under the spotlight."  Oswald Chambers

We have been back in Washington for 2 months now and I must say that this time period seems to be the hardest yet for us.  When we were getting ready to go to England, it was exciting and very busy...so much to do.  While we were there, it was an adventure..everything was a new experience...we had a sense of awe every day, seeing the ways the Lord would direct us in opportunities to share His love, grace and encouragement to others. 

Steve sharing with young man on High Street

Coming back to the states has been like coming back from a really inspiring retreat or conference and realizing you are back to your normal routine again.  At first you are still excited and are sharing with everyone all that you learned and what the Lord did.  Then after awhile, they have heard your stories, and you come back to earth...and find yourself settling back in to "ordinary" life.  It is kind of like a reverse 'culture shock'.

We returned to Washington on a Tuesday night...and Steve went to work on Wednesday morning..and has been working ever since.  God has amazingly blessed him with jobs that seemed to come out of nowhere.  He hasn't been this busy in a few years!  We are so thankful for the work and the income it is providing.

We were glad to be back to our 'family' on Monday nights for meals together and feeding on the Word.  This is always a highlight of our week.  We LOVE these people!


Since we returned, we have had many opportunities to lead worship at several churches and share about the ministry in England.  It has been a privilege to help people here in the states understand the spiritual emptiness over there.

Calvary Chapel Sheridan, OR

Oct. 11-14 we were able to make a trip up to northern Idaho to visit long-time friends Scott and Val Douglas.  Scott was on the worship team with us many years ago in Phoenix and now is pastoring Calvary Chapel Cabinet Mountain, near Sandpoint.  It was a very special and encouraging time for us.

Cabinet Mt. Calvary Chapel

We have also been helping out at a small church in Ridgefield, WA - Bethel Community Church.  They don't have anyone to lead worship for them so different people have been taking turns going up there to help.  It is a blessing to have the opportunities to use the giftings the Lord has given us to serve in some of these smaller, out of the way churches. 

Next on our agenda is a trip to Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 24-28, to visit with our many dear friends there who are always such an encouragement to us.  On Nov. 3 we will be sharing at our home church here, Calvary Chapel Vancouver.

Moving forward

The process in obtaining our visas has been a trial, to say the least.  They really don't give you any help on exactly how to answer all the questions and provide all the right documents....you are pretty much on your own.  Trying to make sense of the pages and pages of instructions on the website is like learning a new language.  But the Lord has graciously helped and we finally have completed the online process and have our appointments to have our 'biometric' photos and fingerprints done.  After that, we have to put together all the right documents and mail them off...and pray!  It feels like this big weight is finally starting to lift!


1.  The Bible study in Plymouth has grown and has been given a building in a small village, just outside of Plymouth, to use for services on Sundays and Thursday nights!  This is a really awesome thing that the Lord is doing in that part of Devon county.  These blessed people are so excited and praying for the area to be reached for the Lord. We can't wait to get back and be a part of all He is doing there.

Calvary Chapel in Wotter

2.  Part 1 of our visa application process is completed!
3.  Many opportunities to share with people about the need for spiritual help in England.
4.  God has graciously provided for all we have needed at every turn..we are thankful.

Prayer requests:

1.  Finalizing our visa applications and favor with the UK govt. to be accepted.
2.  Wise use of our time and good health.
3.  Steve to have the strength to finish the jobs still ahead.
4.  Raising necessary ongoing financial support.


Once again we want to say how very thankful we are for all of you...your prayers and support mean so much to us. We do see this as a team effort. We are just the arms and legs....and you all make it possible for the Lord to use these arms and legs to encourage and share His love and grace in a place that so desperately needs it.

1Cor. 12:12-14  For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. 
For the body is not one member, but many.


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